What's Holding You Back?

Are you ready to breakthrough the unconscious blocks that are keeping you stuck? If the answer is yes, we can help you do just that! Schedule your FREE Strategy Vision Call Today.

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Feeling Stuck, Frustrated, Confused or Overwhelmed?

Are parts of your life going great and others parts, not so much?

Have you been working hard on personal growth and recovery but still have a nagging sense of losing time or getting pulled in a million directions?

Well you are not alone. Many people in longterm sobriety are still feeling the unconscious unresolved effects of a dysfunctional childhood environment and the resulting self-abuse we created in our illness.

Most of us work hard at self reflection and often get outside help, and although we are often happy and functional much of the time, we are still feeling a like there is something more to work through.

We get it, and we've got you!

Elizabeth & Terryl

Get your FREE full sized copy of our favorite prioritization tool and get out of overwhelm today! When you join our mailing list you will get a copy of the process, along with instruction and worksheets to help you easily master this process.

Coaching might be for you if you...

  • Have a nagging sense of regret due to lost time and opportunities.
  • Worry about your loved ones who are still struggling with the effects of addiction or with their own addiction issues.
  • Are still dealing with "trauma residue" and you suspect it's holding you back like an invisible forcefield.
  • Find yourself struggling with "adulting" and feel like you didn't get the playbook⎯ you feel incapable or lack confidence.
  • Have a difficult time figuring out what you think, how you feel and what you need.
  • Be operating from a place of "low grade" feelings of unworthiness, making it difficult to ask for what is important to you.
  • Have an overactive sense of responsibility, feeling as if everything is your fault or that it is your responsible to fix other peoples problems.

And what you want instead is...

  • Improved self esteem,  self respect and self compassion.
  • Positive self talk
  • The overwhelming feeling of "I'm grateful to be me"
  • Commitment to self care - to easily put the responsibility to take care of yourself first so you can then show up whole and contribute to others.
  • Honest and confident self expression
  • To live from an authentic flow state and tap into your creative and resourceful states.
  • Clarity about what you want and a focused approach to reach goals. A
  • A genuine sense of fulfillment and a deep appreciation for the process.
  • Congruent & Empowered communication
  • Release Codependent Pattern - Embrace Awareness, Courage, emotional honesty, Acceptance and self control
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Here is What People Are Saying

"Thank you both very much! I knew I would walk away with a few more pearls. Now I have a necklace! Truly you each have such a precious place in the fabric of my life. I appreciate the years of practice that went into this workshop."~Julia
"I'm now equipped with a quiver full of tools to employ over time. I'd wholeheartedly recommend Use Your Words to anyone and everyone seeking fuller understanding and clearer more effective expression in their communication with both themselves and the other in their lives. ~Greg
"Very worth my time! Thank you, Elizabeth and Terry. Most useful!" ~ Audra
"I came here very interested to know what this program would offer. I am happy to say it has given me some tools I am looking forward to applying in my life. "
"Loved it from the first page very insightful. Easy tools – to use and practice." ~ Andrea
"Insightful. Growth encouraging – Thank you"
"I totally loved the material and the presentation. Excellent delivery. So powerful, I would love to take it again." ~Sharon

Why Coaching?

Coaching creates awareness, awareness creates choice and choice gives us a sense of freedom. It's about going from functional to optimal. Sometimes we need a skilled listener who knows how to ask "awareness producing questions", that can help us tap into the power of the unconscious mind so that we can level up to that next best version of ourselves.



Elizabeth Edwards is a Singer Songwriter, Recording Artist, Recovery Advocate and the host of Giving Voice to Recovery. She serves on the National Advisory Council of Faces and Voices of Recovery and is committed to changing the stigma surrounding addiction. Elizabeth works to empower people with language and strives to inspire them to find their authentic voice.

Elizabeth is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programing Master Practitioner and Coach. She is certified and trained as a Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and as a Hypnotherapy Practitioner.




Terryl Feeney has a background in human resources and the financial services industry. She currently works as a personal coach to people looking to transform their relationship with their personal finances. As a person in long-term recovery, Terryl delights in helping people heal and grow.

Terryl is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programing Practitioner and Coach. She is certified and trained as a Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and as a Hypnotherapy Practitioner.