Recovery, Resilience and Hope

Jim Doyle, author and organizational leadership coach was changed by tragedy through the loss of one of his sons to substance use disorder. Elizabeth interviews Jim and discusses his book, Hope for Life, Being your Best Self When You Need it Most.” They discuss the importance of resilience and hope in recovery and the importance of personal responsibility for our own emotional wellbeing.

“This book is lovingly dedicated in memory of #22, Sean Michael Doyle.Your dreams, spirit, and presence live on with us daily to inspire hope for life.”

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im Doyle, author and organizational leadership coach was changed by tragedy through the loss of one of his sons to substance use disorder. Elizabeth interviews Jim and discusses his book, Hope for Life, Being your Best Self When You Need it Most." They discuss the importance of resilience and hope in recovery and the importance of personal responsibility for our own emotional wellbeing.

About the author, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Edwards is a singer songwriter, recording artist and a person in long-term recovery from addiction.
She is a speaker and advocate for recovery causes and currently serves on the National Advisory Council for Faces & Voices of Recovery.

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